S3 Luckenwalde-Gottow

Map S3


Easy to moderate


Making a detour from the RK1, the S3 is a 4.24 km long part of the Flaeming-Skate.

Towns and villages connected by the path

Luckenwalde, Jänickendorf, Gottow

Places of interest

Luckenwalde (RK1)


Bathing area at Gottow Lake

Recommended car parks

Rail connections

Luckenwalde VBB fahrinfo - Link (mit Vorbelegung)

Follow the signposting or use the

Map: Fußweg vom Bahnhof durch das Stadtzentrum zum Einstiegspunkt am Kreishaus

Luckenwalde - Gottow

The path to Gottow takes you off the beaten skating track.

From the Luckenwalde starting point at the District Council Offices or at Elsthal follow the RK 1 in the direction of Jänickendorf. The path mostly follows the quiet local road linking Jänickendorf and Gottow, passing initially through woods and then fields and paddocks. 8.863 km past Jänickendorf take the S3 turning to Gottow. From there you'll go through around 4 km of wooded countryside. You'll cross the handcar railway track for a second time and go up a slight incline through the “Dümder Hills”, the highest of which is the “Schlangenberg” (Snake Hill), at around 70 metres in height. The path goes downhill again going into Gottow.


Reward yourself with a refreshing swim in Gottow Lake! This bathing area is regularly tested by the Teltow-Fläming Public Health Department. You can find the results during the bathing season on it's web site.

There are also numerous rest areas along this section, as well as a shelter where you can catch your breath. Refreshments are on offer at the country-style restaurants in Jänickendorf and Gottow.


You take the same path to return to Luckenwalde. An alternative is the cycle path from Gottow to Luckenwalde, which has been completely reconstructed and is also suitable for skating. In Luckenwalde use the footpaths, which, to a greater or lesser extent, are suitable for skating, in order to return to your starting point. The link-up from the cycle path to the skating path in Luckenwalde is currently at the planning stage.


Bathing areas and theri water quality on www.teltow-flaeming.de

Track data

13,1 km
2-3 m